Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Write-to-Learn Lesson Reflection

After completing my mini-lesson on the Write-To-Learn activity called the Write Around, I feel very confident in my ability to use WTLs in my classroom.  I spent plenty of time preparing, and creating a handout for the class to read, take notes on, and bring home with them as an artifact.  I think allowing us to choose out own activity made it easy for me to pick something I wanted to learn more about and learn how to use in my future classroom.  The Write Around is certainly an activity I will be using across any grade I teach.  I think the demonstration aspect of my lesson went very well.  When we went around and I actually gave my classmates time to write and see what that activity is like, I think I did a good job of answering any questions they had.  I feel like my classmates came away with enough knowledge to go out and use this in their classrooms/future classrooms, or now have enough interest to explore more about the activity. If I were to give this lesson again there are several things I would do differently.  The first thing I would do, is describe how the teacher may begin to scaffold using this strategy.  I also wish I would have chosen a different way to demonstrate on my own first, and then turn it over to my classmates.  There was confusion as to what they were supposed to be doing when I told them to begin.  I really enjoyed all my classmates' demonstrations, and there are many fun activities I am willing to go out and try.

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